Thursday 14 May 2015

Say It, See It, Be It - Tony Nwokolo

Tony Nwokolo & Son (McAnthony)

Say It, See It, Be It

As I’ve said before, success is not the result of good fortune or luck, success is a direct product of someone following the laws of success.
This brief article provides you with one of those laws, I call it the “say it, see it, be it” law.
The “Say It, See It, Be It” Law:
1. Say It
They say you have to “say it, say it, say it…til you see it, see it, see it.” You have to say where you’re going before you get there. You don’t have to tell everybody your dreams, but you should at least tell yourself. You need to convince you, that your dreams can come true.

Discover How to Outsell Your Competitors - by- Brain Tracy.

What to Discover How to Outsell Your Competitors, Watch this Video Program - by- Brain Tracy. I am sharing this video program with you because the strategies i have learnt from Mr. Tracy, who is one of my mentors have really transformed my life and business. Enjoy!