Tuesday 19 July 2016

GET ONLINE OR LOSE GROUND – 10 Reasons Why Your Business Need to Engage Digital Marketing, Have an Online Presence and an Online Strategy..(Part 2)

Reason #6: Control Over How Your Brand is Represented
One of the most challenging aspects of running an ad in the newspaper or phone book is deciding what you are going to squeeze in that tiny amount of space you are paying thousands of dollars for.  I’m sure you have many great selling points you would like to convey to your potential customers, but only enough room for one or two thoughts.
Fortunately with digital marketing, this isn’t a real problem.  When you are marketing your website, once your prospects enter your website, you will have the opportunity to show them all kinds of incredible things about your business.  Great selling points that you can display on your website include:
1)   Testimonials or reviews from other customers.  This is a fantastic way to show your audience that your company has a history, is reliable, and does quality work.