Friday 14 March 2014


Jacob’s creative faculty was what distinguished his livestock from that of his master Laban. To design and develop your products or services, you must engage and       employ your creative imagination which is considered as the workshop of the mind. Literally speaking imagination is the place where the designs and plans on how to produce, achieve or accomplish dreams are conceived, designed and planned.
There is no way one can design anything without employing the power of imagination.  Truly, mankind has the power and the capability to create anything he can conceive in his mind and believe he can achieve.
Types of imagination
There are two faculties of imagination; they are innovative and creative imagination. These are the two types of imagination which one can utilize to design and create any product or service that would benefit humanity.

Innovative imagination: This involves innovating old or existing products, ideas, concepts, systems etc., into new combinations.
This faculty creates nothing; rather it spices, blends, packages and innovates already existing products or services in a new way.Divine idea and innovation  was employed by Jacob to innovate and breed different species of live stocks for himself from that of Laban  - Gen 30: 31- 40

Creative imagination: This involves creating something which no one has ever created or produced before, thereby meeting a need or solving a problem which no one has been able to fix. Through this faculty, inspirations and hunches are communicated to man by the Almighty God.

This creative faculty of the mind works and perform better when the conscious mind of man is stimulated through the emotions of burning desire, love, faith or fear etc.
It has been proven that through the faculty of the creative imagination the Geniuses, the Inventors and the great Musicians, Artists, Writers Poets, Manufacturers, Business owners, Managers, Ministers, and Entertainers became leaders in their industries, simply because they have discovered and developed the faculty of their creative imagination using their mind’s eyes to see the future beyond their physical eyes.

In view of the foregoing principles, it would interest you to note that before anyone could transform the intangible impulse or call it spiritual forces of desire and thought into the tangible (physical reality) or accomplishment, it demands for the use of a design (a plan or plans).  And the plan(s} must be designed or created through the help of the innovative or creative imagination.
The Secret of Out-standing Performance

The secret of attaining a leading, successful and relevance position in your field or industry, are thus; 

First; always offer the best quality and quantity services/products, with a positive mental attitude and pleasing personality.

The second key to greatness is; always design your products/services to be irresistible and relevant; to meet needs, solve problems, add value and enrich lives.

Thirdly, always design, package and present your product in an extra -ordinary way.

The fourth key is always go the extra mile; always offer an extra for what you are paid for.

May I conclude this subject by reminding you that whether you are an employer or an employee, you have a product to offer as services or product(s).  Therefore, I implore you to always package and brand your product to be the best amongst the rest. You are a brand, even if you are a person or a product; you ought to brand yourself, profession, services or products as a rare and unique one.

Anthony Chinweugo Josephat-Nwokolo; is the Managing Director of SUCCESS STRATEGIES NIG. LTD., an Author, Success Strategist & Leadership Consultant and Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Multi-Media Consultant, Website, E-Business & E-Commerce Developer & Consultant, an Investment Advisor, Brand & Business Growth Strategist and a minister of God. Publisher SUCCESS STORIES E-Magazine (

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