Friday 17 October 2014

The Three Steps to Success in Business

The Three Steps to Success in Business

By Mr. Self Development
I’m always trying to further simplify the process of success.  Today I want to provide you with a three-pronged approach that is requisite for your success in business.  This approach will allow you to make a “breakthrough impact” given enough time.  I’m talking about the kind of impact that the world has never seen before.  Without further ado, I present to you, the three steps to success in business.

The 3 Steps to Success in Business:
First things first, in order to succeed you must “first” have a burning passion concerning a particular subject or area (if you’ve been reading this site for some time, then you already know this).  I happen to have a passion as it relates to self development or personal development. 
Without passion you will never proceed to the second step in this process which is “discovery.”  Passion gives you the power to study your subject in a way that it’s never been studied before.  Passion births discovery: the discovery of new ideas, new concepts, and new ways of doing things.
To succeed you must discover what others have yet to discover!  You must be the first, you don’t need to be the first to “split the atom,” but you do need to be the first at something meaningful to have stellar success. 
Thomas Edison did not invent the light-bulb, but after 10,000 tries he did “discover” that a “carbon filament” would allow the light-bulb to last for hundreds of hours; he made the light-bulb “practical.” 
What have you discovered?  Albert Einstein discovered the “Law of Relativity.”  Mark Zuckerberg the creator of “Facebook” discovered “programming code” that would allow amazing communication, “the likes of which had never been seen before.” 
On your job you may very well make a brand new discovery because you spend so much time working in an area that you’re passionate about.  It’s your “discoveries,” birth from your passion that leads to success.  But it’s not enough to just discover something new…
If only 12 people were on “Facebook” it wouldn’t be very successful!  Zuckerberg knew this and he worked diligently both day and night to ensure that his discovery was shared throughout the world, and now it is. 
What are you sharing with the world?  To succeed you must pursue your passion, you must discover what has yet to be discovered, and you must share it with as many people as you can.  This is how you change the world; this is how you make a difference. 
Success comes from the unique perspectives that you gain while “burning the midnight oil” working on your passion.  As you work, a “light-bulb” goes off in your head and you see what’s never been seen before, you share it with the world, and over the course of time you succeed. 
In Closing
This is why I started creating “mini-audiobooks.”  Through my studies of self-development, I’ve come to realize that the only way to change your life is to change your thinking.  And the only way to change your thinking is through repetition of thought.  In other words, “thinking the same thoughts over-and-over again.”
I wanted to create a tool that could change someone’s thinking!  Through discovery I realized that listening to someone else’s thoughts (over-and-over again) is the easiest way to adopt their thoughts as your own (which would result in change).
I also discovered that listening to the same material over-and-over again would become “boring,” and you would need to hear it presented differently.  In other words, new material would need to be provided consistently if there would ever be meaningful and lasting change for the listeners. 
I’ve only created two of these mini-audiobooks thus far, and I’ve sold well over a thousand of them in just the last few weeks. Just because I followed the principles listed in this article.  If you follow these principles, these three steps, you will succeed as well!
Thank you for reading, where every article increases your faith, expands your mind, and changes your life.
Culled by From Mr. Self-Development

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