Friday 9 October 2015

10 Ideas You Must Give Up to Get Paid to Do What You Love

Make Your Own Path

You can do what you love.

You know that, don’t you? This is not about whether or not it’s possible, but about what’s stopping you from moving forward.You are built to do what you love, and to thrive doing it.But you’ve picked up habits that work against you. In order to make progress, you have to let them go. Here are ten that I’ve noticed in my life, and in the lives of the people I’ve helped:

1. Straight Lines

“You must see your career or vocational path more as a journey with twists and turns rather than a straight line.” – Robert Greene, Mastery
Straight lines are a fantasy. Observe nature. It’s full of twists, turns, and surprises.
The twists and turns are the journey. They are challenges that shape you for what’s to come.
When you want to get paid to do what you love, realize that it takes time. There are many skills to learn, many roads to travel, and many mistakes to be made.
To help navigate these turns, I surround myself with friends and mentors, people who can support me, and help me along the journey.
So let go of the idea that doing what you love has to be linear. Let it be chaotic. And let yourself be led by the nudges of your heart.

2. Yearning to Earn

“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
The more people you can help, the more success you will have.
But the paradox is that in order to help many, you have to start with one.
Forget about writing a best-selling book, and write something that helps one person, right now.
Big thinking paralyzes. Small ideas nudge you into action.
Have a goal. Have a big goal. But start where you are with what you have.
Apply your ideas. Test them. And help one person today. It’s not going to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes one imperfect sentence can change someone’s life.

3. Fleeing from Hardship

“Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” – Voltaire
Life is difficult. Doing what you love is sometimes like wading in knee-deep mud.
But the difficulty is not the problem. The problem is resisting it, thinking that life should be easy.
The mistakes you make, and the challenges you face, are not obstacles to success, but a part of it.
To figure out what it is that you love to do, and how you can make a living doing what you love, you have to be willing to stumble and fall.
It is only through failing that you will uncover your weak spots. Mistakes show you what you need to learn to succeed.
So make them. Embrace them. Enjoy them.
And remember to enjoy the journey, to sing in the proverbial lifeboats of life.

4. The Tribunal

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” ― May Sarton
To be yourself is not a crime. Good enough is a thought, not reality.
Dare to be yourself, no matter how much it makes your body shake.
There is nothing in life that can force me to be someone I am not. I would rather die than live a lie.
You are born to stand out. There are over 7 billion people on Earth, and not one of them is exactly like you.
Stop trying to fit in, and unshackle your soul. Realize that you determine if you’re good enough or not.
You are the judge that can set you free, or sentence you to a life of misery.
Let go of the need to be good enough. Let yourself be pulled forward by your interests.
# What do you think about these ideas, do you subscribe to it? share your views via comments.

To be continued... 

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