Sunday 18 October 2015

Spiritual life reminds us we were made to fly.

There are people who see spiritual life as if they were geese standing on a lakeshore.
It is a challenge for them to get anywhere walking around on land. They may paddle across the surface of the lake, though it takes a lot of hard work.
They are not comfortable. They may sense they are not doing what they were made for, not being true to themselves.Some of them make a lot of noise. It can be a challenge for them to see what else they could be doing.

Geese tend to become focused on what is directly in front of them. They need to make a living. They have goslings to raise.
There is something new they just heard on Twitter.
It can be easy for geese to get distracted by all they have to do to keep going. Geese can lose the real point of their own lives in everything they need to accomplish.
Geese may be afraid to fly. Flying requires muscles they may have not used for a while. Geese migrate long distances, taking journeys filled with challenges and dangers.
Some geese may not even believe real flying is a possibility. They may have forgotten they have flown before, or what it even feels like to fly more than a few feet.
Young geese may never have experienced migratory flying before.
Each autumn a few geese remind the others, and they begin to fly. They remember, and do what they need to do to leave the earth behind.
It is easy for us to forget, to hold tightly to earth and waddle awkwardly around.
Spiritual life reminds us we were made to fly.
When is the last time spiritual life took you for a spin?
Who reminds you we were designed to fly?

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