Tuesday 10 November 2015

121 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Life, Be Happier, And More Fulfilled (Part 1) - Henri Junttila

121 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Life, Be Happier, And More Fulfilled

Do you want to improve your life?
Do you want to be more awesome, but just don’t know how to go about peeling off the unnecessary layers?
You’re lucky, because I’ve put together a list of 121 ways you can improve your life.
You don’t have to settle with what you’ve got. The ones who told you that are liars.
Most people are afraid. They want to stop you from feeling the pain they feel because they never had the courage to do what they wanted in life.
Follow your heart and do what feels right for you, because that’s living. Everything else is dying.


1. Care
If you want to be awesome, you have to care. Care about the people around you and even people you’ve never met. This is especially true if you’re blogging or a public figure. Care about your fans and they will care even more about you.
2. Give Value
We all have something to share. Always focus on what you can do for others. What do you love and what are you good at (or want to become good at)?
3. Be honest
Honesty feels good and is the right thing to do. But why do many choose to lie instead? Most often it’s because it makes their life easier, or does it? It usually might seem like it in the short-term, but in the long-term, honesty always wins.
4. Be honorable
Be honorable and respectable. This means doing the right things, keeping promises and in general, being someone who does the right thing. Look at our world leaders today and do the opposite.
5. Integrity
Having integrity for me means being ethical and following a moral code that is both practical and benefits all of humanity. It’s idealistic, but it is certainly worth striving for, isn’t it?
6. Follow your passion
Find your passion and follow it. Never give up. There is always a way to make a living doing what you love. It may not come in the form you think, so be open-minded.
Just a few years ago, I was miserable, but today I am doing what I love. If you want to know what I did to get here, and how you can do the same, check out Passionate Living, my step-by-step course.
7. Take responsibility
You are responsible for your life. There is no one to blame. If you’re not happy with your life or with your circumstances, you are the only one that can take responsibility and start changing it. What are you waiting for?
8. Be positive
Being just a little bit more positive can mean a lot of things. Reading a good book, checking out positive quotations or even watching a movie that you enjoy. The possibilities are endless. Even though being positive is cliché and kind of irritating, it is still useful.
9. Take action
You can dream and you can wonder, but nothing happens without taking actionconsistently. You don’t have to be perfect. Learn as much as you need to know the next step and take action!
10. Be radical
Sometimes it’s good to be radical, if it’s you. Radical means different things to different people, so I’ll leave it up to you to interpret it.
11. Focus on your strengths
Stop trying to fix your weaknesses. You can’t be perfect. Focus on your strength and let other people do what you’re bad at.
12. Do less
You can do less and live more. You don’t need more stuff. Release your cravings for materialism. It will lead to less debt, less work and less stress.
13. Be authentic
Whatever you do, be authentic. Be yourself. I’ve always been a bit of an introvert, so this is another one of those points that I’m constantly working on.
14. Enjoy the process
When you’re doing something you love, you will automatically enjoy the process. Goals don’t even matter at this point. Sure, they give you a direction, but you’re loving life and feeling awesome.
15. Be practical
You don’t have to quit your job to do what you love. You can slowly start phasing it out by working on your passion project after you get home from work. Be practical and realistic. Don’t just jump into your passion when you don’t have a plan.
16. Lose arguments
Why do we insist on being right all the time? Try losing arguments. It’s great fun and interrupts patterns in people. Seeing people get confused is a lot of fun.
17. Let someone pass you in line at the supermarket
Everyone’s in a rush to get home, but what if you took a deep breathe and let someone pass you? It’s unexpected and it makes people smile.
18. Quit your job
If you’re ready for it, just quit your job. There’s no need to hang onto something that you don’t need. For the rest of you, stay put.
19. Give away stuff
How much stuff do you have that you haven’t used in the last 12 months? What about giving it all away? I know a lot of people that have their houses full of stuff.
20. Focus
Be aware of where your focus is. Where focus goes, energy flows. If you’re constantly thinking about how you will fail, you will feel bad and maybe even fail. Think about how you will succeed and you might just succeed. If at first you don’t succeed, try again.
21. Tidy up
Keep your apartment or house clean. Not saying that I’m a master of cleanliness or anything, but it sure does feel good to have everything looking good, doesn’t it?
22. Embrace challenges
Most people avoid challenges, or as they like to call them: problems. What would life be without challenges? Incredibly boring. We would never grow – at least not as fast – and everything would be smooth sailing.
23. Live with power
Live with power and certainty. Power goes hand in hand with responsibility. Take action, be confident, be yourself and trust that your intuition will guide you wherever you need to be.
Please feel free to share your views of this insights.
To be continued tomorrow....Dont miss out

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