Thursday 27 February 2014

4 Time Management Tips For Work-Life Balance

4 Time Management Tips For Work-Life Balance

 I know how busy you are, and even reading a blog on time management is something that you seldom have the time to do. I promise you will learn more practical and immediately usable ideas, methods, strategies and techniques for getting more done to have a work-life balance, and improve your quality of life.

Time management behaviors are very much a matter of choice. You choose to be efficient or you choose to be disorganized. You choose to focus and concentrate on your highest-value tasks, or you choose to spend your time on activities that contribute little value to your life. You choose to be positive or you choose to be negative. And you are always free to choose your quality of life.

Choose To Manage Your Time

The starting point of overcoming your previous programming, and eliminating the mental blocks to time management, is for you to make a clear, unequivocal decision to become excellent at the way you use your time. You must decide, right here and now, that you are going to become an expert in time management to improve your quality of life. Your aim should be to manage your time so well that people look up to you and use you as a role model for their own work habits. There are four times management tips that you can use to program yourself for peak performance to improve your work-life balance.

1. The Power Of Positive Affirmations

Positivity will change your quality of life and is the first of these methods for programming your subconscious mind is “positive self-talk,” or the use of positive affirmations. These are commands that you pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are statements that you either say out loud or say to yourself with the emotion and enthusiasm that drives the words into your subconscious mind as new operating instructions. Begin by repeating positive affirmations over and over to yourself, “I am excellent at time management! I am excellent at time management!” Any command or positive affirmation repeated over and over again in a spirit of faith, acceptance and belief, will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind.
To improve your time management, you can continually repeat positive affirmations; “I have a work-life balance!” or “I concentrate easily on my highest pay-off tasks!” My favorite time management affirmation is, “I use my time well. I use my time well. I use my time well.” When you repeat positive affirmation over and over, they are eventually accepted by your subconscious mind. You will then find that your external behaviors will start to reflect your internal programming to improve your work-life balance and quality of life.

2. Visualize Your Time Management Skills

The second technique that you can use to program your subconscious mind is through visualization. Mental pictures most immediately influence your subconscious mind. In self-image psychology, the person you see is the person you will be through positive affirmations. Begin to see yourself as well organized, efficient and effective in time management. Recall and recreate memories and pictures of yourself when you were performing at your best. Think of a time when you were working efficiently and effectively, and getting through an enormous amount of work. Play this picture of yourself over and over again on the screen of your mind.

3. Create A Work-Life Balance Through Positive Affirmations

The third time management method is simple. First, you sit or lie in a quiet place where you can be completely alone in the silence. Through positive affirmations, imagine yourself going through an important upcoming experience, such as a meeting, a presentation, a negotiation or even a date that would improve your work-life balance and your quality of life. As you sit or lie completely relaxed, create a picture of the coming event and see it unfolding perfectly in every respect. See yourself as calm, positive, happy and in complete control. See the other people doing and saying exactly what you would want them to do if the situation was perfect.

4. Change Your Quality Of Life

The fourth mental technique will change the quality of life you experience through time management. Imagine that you have been selected for a role in a movie or stage play. In this role, you are to act the part of a person who is extremely well organized in every respect. As you go through your daily life, imagine you are an actor who is playing this part, who is already very good at time management. Act as if you are already using your time efficiently and well.
Action Exercise
Pretend that you are an expert in personal efficiency and time management. Fake it until you make it. When you pretend that you are excellent in time management, eventually the action, which is under your direct control, will develop the mindset or the belief in your subconscious mind. If you need to improve your time management skills to have a work-life balance begin using positive affirmations to visualize the quality of life that you want!

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For Your Success,

Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo,
Chief Operating Officer,
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