Friday 6 February 2015

Discipline the Determinant Factor that Determines Your Destiny - Tony Nwokolo

Tony C. Nwokolo
Author, 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment
Discipline the Determinant Factor that Determines Your Destiny - 

Hi folks, as i mentioned earlier, this year i will be sharing here, Proven and Practical Success Principles and Strategies anyone can apply and transform his or her life to become successful and fulfilled irrespective of the person's financial or educational background. I discovered that anyone can rise and become great against all odds, if the fellow can seek, discover and apply the principal principles that guarantees success and greatness.
Hence, am sharing the vital extract from my new book- The 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment.

Endeavour to share you viewpoints and comments after reading this. I will like to know your opinion on my assertion that : Discipline is the Major Determinant Factor that Determines our Destines. Also, i implore you to get a copy of the book in question"...

Discipline comes to those with the awareness that for a kite to fly high, it must rise against the wind; that all good things are achieved by those who are willing to swim upstream; that drifting aimlessly through life only leads to bitterness and disappointments - Jim Rohn

Discipline is all about doing the right thing at the right time with the right attitude.

Truly, failure is a product of lack of discipline, every time you fail to think, create, do, care, persist, strive, learn or perform any task that is necessary to move you closer to your dream or goal, you are failing.

Discipline is the master key that unlocks the door of miracles, wealth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

Discipline is the bridge between imagination and actualization of dreams. It is going the extra mile – Anthony Chiugo Nwokolo.

Always Go The Extra Mile
If your goal requires that you call ten prospects or clients today and you end up calling three, you are behind by seven. If your financial plan for instance requires that you save twenty dollars a day and you end up saving none, you are behind by twenty dollars today. And within a short period of time, all those days you failed to meet up to the expectations or goals would translate to your failure to accomplish that goal. But in other words, when your goal or dream requires that you call ten prospects and you called twelve, you’re disciplined and have gone the extra mile. When you save twenty or twenty five dollars a day according to your goal or dream, you are disciplined, which will automatically translate to your success.

There Is So Much in Little Efforts
The bible tells us that how great a ship a little leakage sinks it and how great a fire, a little spark kindles it - James 3:5, 6.
In other words, the foregoing scripture is telling us that when you leave a little task that supposed to be done, it can accumulate and cause your dream or goal to fail or delay. Great achievements or accomplishment are started by little efforts or initiatives backed up with self-discipline.

 Truly, it is the little extra commitment that makes ordinary people extra-ordinary.

 The control centre of your life is your attitude, and your attitude determines your altitude. 

May I remind you the words of Harry S. Truman; “In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves, Self-discipline came first”.

Do You Have What It Takes?
Are you ready to continue working on your business or projects, even if you are not getting the Appreciations, Rewards or Payments you anticipate right away?
Can you work for a long period of time without getting paid, with hope that you will be paid or make your millions  or even billions after you have worked and built yourself, your mind, your skills, your products, your business, organization, career or profession?
 If your answers are yes, to the foregoing questions, I predict that you shall be great in life.

Let the Gestation Period Take Its Place
If you start a new business or venture you have to give it some time, may be months or years before it starts to generate enough cash flow for your break through margin.
This period of investing time, energy and resources without receiving or making profit and yet you keep on keeping the business or venture ongoing is called gestation period. It takes nothing but discipline and patience to stick to that business or project even though it is not yielding immediate returns at the moment. Professional athletes work on themselves for a long period of time, before they are recognized and rewarded as champions or stars. That is discipline in action and at its peak.

A lot of business, ventures or professionals that are destined to be great, are sold out and, eventually buried when expectations did not manifest instantly in sales, profits and cash flow. People always forgot that there are bound to be gestation period before a pregnant woman can deliver a baby. In pregnancy, the gestation period is nine months.

Friends, I implore you to wait for your business or your ministry, your investment to mature fully. You cannot sow a seed now and expect it to grow over-night and yield fruits the next day. You need to cultivate and keep watering, weeding managing and nurturing the plant before it shall yield fruit.  Some seeds germinate and yield fruits in one month, some in two months, some in one year and some in three years. See Gen 8:22, Habakkuk 2:3

It’s worthwhile to note that the longer it takes for a seed to germinate, grow and yields fruits, the greater the value of the fruit. A corn of maize takes three months to yield a fruit for harvest, where as a Mango tree takes five years and above to yield fruits for harvest. 

Culled from The 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment -by- Anthony C. Nwokolo
Anthony C. Nwokolo, is the founder/CEO of Success Strategies Consulting & Solutions.  Leadership, Entrepreneurship and ICT Solutions Development Expert. Tony’s goal is to help individuals and organizations discover and maximize their potentials, achieve their dreams, as well as solve problems by advising, developing and deploying proven solutions, skills, applications, technologies and strategies. Tony is an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Writer, Teacher, Preacher, Consultant, Publisher, Multimedia Practitioner, Success Strategist and Leadership Expert. He is a highly sought-after gifted and dynamic, Trainer and Consultant; he speaks at business and church programmes. Tony has addressed thousands in seminars and Conferences within and outside Nigeria. He is the founder of Success Strategies Nigeria, Publisher, SUCCESS STORIES ONLINE MAGAZINE. A multitalented entrepreneur blended with creative and innovative finesse.
You can reach him via Tel: +234-806-829-6897, 0802-230-3482

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