Tuesday 3 February 2015

Why Do We Work?

It is more than sitting at a table in a meeting wondering Why are we doing this again?
It is not just the feeling of How does any of this make a difference?
It is deeper than the sense of Haven’t we already done this before?
It is more motivation than for the money.
Why do we do the things we do? Why do we work on these tasks, in this organization, at this job?
We live in a world of distractions and obstacles. We need to gain some experience before we can do what we believe we are drawn to do. We need to establish ourselves, to develop a reputation. We need to have a strong financial basis before we can set off to turn our dreams into reality. We have responsibilities, obligations, expectations to meet.
It is easy for us to lose sight of our values behind all the hurdles we work to overcome.
Having a vision and long range planning are important. We cannot expect to accomplish our goals over night. It is vital to be persistent, taking one step after another.
It is equally vital to remember where we are going. While we cannot know each step in advance, we can continue moving in the right direction.
We can also listen to people who give us new insights, even when they are disguised as obstacles.
We are not truly motivated by power or responsibility, money or fear of failure. Each day, we work to practice our core values, to find new ways to turn vision into reality.
We are inspired by Why?
We work to become who we have the potential to be.
What are the values that inspire you? Why are you working?
Who helps you recognize the lessons hidden in apparent obstacles?
Courtsey - Strategic Monk

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